Workshops & Meditations

In Language of Light Ascended Master’s codes activation


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In Language of Light Ascended Master’s codes activation

The codes of ascension and unity of consciousness. It is all about supporting you to master your divine blueprint with help of sound of Light language that activate seeded divine codes of Light and heal your phisical and energetial bodies.

Channeled transmission specifically activate your inner ascension codes; so you can step into living in alignment with your personal Light Mastery.

This will be a Light Language session of true evolution, and you will leave with tools and wisdom that you can apply directly to your life and to all of your relations.

We will ground ourself in the Truth, in the purity of natural abundance – the tools that can help to walk through your life with more grace and compassion


  • DNA activation & attunement
  • Healing of phisical and energetial bodies
  • Experience deep relaxation
  • Clears energetic blockages at the body’s meridians
  • Repair, activate and strengthen etheric body
  • Unlock the highest potential

Yulia Cornucopia  is a light language practitioner, workshop facilitator, intuitive consultant and spiritual healer who helps people shift into their most loving authentic selves. She does this through speaking ,singing and writing the Language of the Light, decrees to Thy ascended masters.

As a Lightworker on the Divine Ascension Mission to Earth, Yulia helps people to ground the frequency of Light that allows us to move to higher dimensions and continue learning in dimensions of harmony

8 July at 1820:00

Roseville Uniting Church

7A Lord St, Roseville NSW

Please bring a cushion & a blanket for your comfort

Love and Light from my heart to yours!


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