Workshops & Meditations

Divine balance between Femininity & Masculinity union


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Receive the channelled sounds that adjust to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs,initiating purifying, balancing, activation, and alignment with a new vibration of wellbeing.

This is a Light session for awakening a fullest potential in the balancing of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within ourselves; -light codes transmission with the Language of Light; -attuning your DNA Light codes to their highest level of resonance

What is the Divine Feminine Energy?

What is the Divine Masculine Energy?

Why are male and female seen as opposites?

The hidden male within the female and the hidden female within the male Each had within them the opposing energy in some degree.
…and these hidden and opposing energies created the opportunity for movement!
Channel of the light will guide us to our Higher Levels, to the stage our divine perfaction.
Any imbalances can be transformed from the higher dimensions.
For this session, please, bring your notes about, how do you understand the diference between feminine and masculine energies?
Try to find the answer for yourself – which energy more and less within your femininity & masculinity union?

Please bring a cussion & a blanket for your comfort

AFTER MEDITATION …Thank you Yulia and all ! I had some most delicious experiences of stillness, quiet joy and universal love throughout most of Sunday. And that has created space for some yet to be integrated parts of me to arise and be held and witnessed. Beautiful opening. Blessings to all .A wonderfully relaxing meditation circle and sound vibrational healing with Language of the Light Y.K. I am so grateful to have been guided to attend your meditation classes, your spiritual teachings and presence are incredibly powerful! Since attending I have felt calmer and I am approaching life with compassion instead of being an emotional mess. I am so grateful you are part of my spiritual journey, Namaste. V.V.

Dear Yulia!
I would like just express how much joy you have given me and wish for your joy and happiness in return. G. I.

Dear Yulia! Thank you! It was incredibly powerful and positive. I feel a step closer to achieving my big goal. That is exciting, comforting and reassuring.” E. L.


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