Workshops & Meditations

Light codes “Inner peace and prosperity”


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Download & activation of new Light codes  “Inner peace and prosperity”

Yulia Cornucopia and Marchie H Condon invite you to the healing session and transmission of light codes.

Actually, this is designined a spiritual workshop for your mental health and it is intended for professionals such as healers and Reiki masters, as well as anyone who wants to raise their vibration, take mental health to a higher level by receiving the channeling activation of new Light codes.

This is your opportunity to release any discomfort, tension or anxiety you might be experiencing as these gentle vibrations of Light Language and crystal bawls after activation pulse their way through you.

It will be a deep healing session on multiple levels and can help heal ourselves and our lives, even heal our planet, which now requires our loving attention more than ever.

This channeling transmission specifically activates the light codes of your inner peace ; so you can step into living in alignment with your personal Light Mastery.

This will be a Light Language session of true evolution, step into our new world, and you will leave with tools and wisdom that you can apply directly to your life and to all of your relations.


We will look into the root causes:

Why do we see so much depression and anxiety ?

Do people create their own stress?

Why are there so many quarrels in families and in society?



Activation of new frequencies – “The light codes of peace”

The Light codes will be attuned to your greatest and highest good.

The energy sent through has their own individual intelligence and is programmed to reach  your energy field. Light is vibrational frequencies that carry the codes of creation. DNA is activated via spiritual awakening to create the Light Body.



– DNA activation & attunement

– Healing of physical and energetic bodies

– Experience of deep relaxation

– Clears energetic blockages at the body’s meridians

– Repair, activate and strengthen etheric body

– Unlock the highest potential

Yulia will incorporate in this healing modality spiritual healing and  activations with Language of the Light.

Immediately after activation you will  receive an additional form of vibrational healing from  Marchie –  a magic crystal healing sound bath, deeply restorative and calming.

The sounds of the bowls can allow you to go deeper into meditation, to take away anxiety and depression, and to cleanse your chakra and aura. The vibrations in the pure sound of the bowls are raising the vibrations in your body.


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