Workshops & Meditations

Quantum leap and attunement for current planetary changes & alignments BYRON BAY


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Quantum leap and attunement for current planetary changes & alignments

This session of high vibrational frequencies and vibrations will deliver a great boost to your ascending vibration together with planetary alignment.
We will focus on manifesting the new evolved human design, to actualize the blueprint and guide you much deeper into this level of self-realization and self-actualization.
Together we will hold the blueprints of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

  • Though this inner journey you may receive:
  • Deep relaxation
  • Healing of physical and energetic bodies
  • Balance and harmonization of the chakras
  • Further opening of the heart
  • Expansion of the gateways of the heart
  • Clearing of energetic blockages in the body’s meridians
  • DNA activation & attunement
  • New codes and keys
  • A deeper connection to your intuition
  • Support for building higher Light Quotient
  • Attuning to the Eternal Self / Higher-self
  • Actualization of the Light Body
  • Strengthening as a crystal resonator

The time is now to direct our energy fully into the new Earth, 5d reality.

As we are constantly plugged into that matrix of sustainable living, our daily recharge now comes from the quantum crystalline field and it’s important to be open and aligned to receive this divine support.

The more we vibrate to qualities of the crystalline nature, the stronger our bridge becomes between our physical, human self and our more ethereal and infinite divine self.
Our planet is evolving into a brand new vibrational harmonic. This can be described as a ‘crystalline frequency’ that greatly assists us to stabilize in the faster light velocities of higher dimension.

As more light enters, the stronger and more powerful crystal energy becomes.

This awakening of crystal vibration in both the Earth and our human bio-field creates major transformation in every aspect of our life, and in our relationship to the world.

Crystallization is a vibration achieved through a very personal metamorphic process.

This is a transition into fearless living. It is empowered in, by and through the light of the truth of who we really are and a deeper connection to our hearts.

This knowing brings us into heightened states of clarity and purity.

We, as crystal transmitters, can become a clear channel for the God-force of divine love and tremendous wisdom.

The powerful energies of the Equinox on the 22nd September are pulling everything back into balance, and this session will prepare you and assist you to have a quantum leap at this time with grace and ease.

As Sovereign Beings of Free Will it is our responsibility to keep our balance and practice our right to exist in several dimensions and to hold the New Earth timeline by keeping our energy in focus and pure alignment.

There has never been a time in the history of humanity when we can resolve, evolve and transform so quickly once we give ourselves permission to receive and when we open our hearts and minds to receive the divine energies

Serene Earth Sanctuary,
266 Kennedy’s Lane, Myocum


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