Workshops & Meditations

The Goddess Codes of Rejuvenation


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You are invited to a Special Initiation of Egyptian Light Codes
Join us for the day/or weekend in Dalia’s Blue Mountain Retreat – Echo Point Katoomba,On site accommodation available.
The former home and astrological gardens, of the renowned Astrologer Richard Sterling.
Located over a powerful energy ley line, on the edge of the Jamison Valley escarpment.


Yulia Cornucopia
Dalia Isles
After a recent trip to Ancient Egypt in April 2018, Yulia Cornucopia received sacred light codes to share with humanity. These codes will open your channel, clear and enhance your energy field at a higher vibration, allowing you to manifest your greatest dreams into reality.
Yulia believes that in order to create a new life matrix, it’s important to clear everything previously held, to lighten your frequency. These light codes which she channels, will facilitate this process , and clear the passage for the Nefertiti energy of rejuvenation to be fully embodied.


– Release of old issues and ‘triggers’ as old cellular memories are transcended
– “Turning up” your DNA Light Codes to their highest level
– Self actualization – Unity Consciousness
In 2004 on a similar spiritual journey, Dalia Isles received the energy of rejuvenation through Queen Nefertiti, at the foot of the Great Pyramid. Dalia later formulated her programme using activations in the shape of pyramids that move down the body with trigger points over the organs and hormonal glands that promote longevity and age reversal .
Over the past 14 years, Dalia herself a fine example of the benefits of the Nefertiti rejuvenating energy, has used the attunements quite simply to remain vibrant and youthful , along with her holistic approach to health and wellbeing.Having received similar light code frequencies, Dalia and Yulia whose paths crossed a few years ago, now come together in collaboration to activate the Goddess Codes for enhanced wellbeing, rejuvenation, and joy.
This exclusive event will book out quickly so invite your friends and share the magic!!The weekend will be amazing as you experience the palpable presence of Queen Nefertiti, the Goddess Isis and much more. You will walk away feeling lighter, peaceful and with practical techniques and attunements to activate and enhance your overall quest for youth and wellbeing.

– 8 NEFERTITI ACTIVATION OF REJUVENATION (this activations for 2 days workbook)


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